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New York City
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dead or Alive?

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne day, a motorist was travelling on a lonely road and suddenly had a flat tyre. He brought out his jack and wheel spanner. As he started jacking up the tyre, he had a laughter behind him. He looked back, but found no one.

Every time he attempted to jack up the tyre, he had some laughter behind him
Every time he attempted to jack up the tyre, he had some laughter behind him

Bending down again to replace the flat tyre, he had laughter again, this time as if there were two people standing behind him. He quickly looked back. Again, there was no one.

Concluded it was all hallucination, he bent down the third time, but had a louder laughter, this time of many people. He dropped the tools, abandoned his car and took to his heels.

As he kept on running, he met an elderly man, who stopped him and said, “Young man, why are you running like this?”

Under heavy breathing, the man explained everything from having a flat tyre till he had to take to his heels, because he had invisible people laughing.

The elderly man responded thus: “Is that why you’ve been running? Well, I don’t blame you. It happened to me too, when I was still alive.”

The motorists fainted.


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