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Motoring Humour: Stolen Engine?

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]siaka, son of Chief Ajebo, who hails from a remote village in Osun State of Nigeria, graduated from the University 1978. After securing employment in Lagos and worked for three years, Isiaka decided to present a Christmas gift to his father. He bought him a brand new Volkswagen Beetle, which was then still being produced in Nigeria.

VW BEETLE FRONTAs planned, he drove the car home and presented it to his father, who was very proud of him. Third day after Isiaka’s departure to Lagos, Chief Ajebo aroused attention of the entire village when he started calling for help, shouting on top of his voice: “Help!! Somebody help!! Oh, I’m done for.”

Neighbours rushed out and asked Chief Ajebo what the Matter was. “Ah!! The enemy has done it!” He lamented. “But what is the matter, chief?” somebody asked among the gathered crowd. “What is not the matter?”

Chief Ajebo responded. “I’ve known for long that I’m not loved in this community. But I can assure you, whoever has done this will pay dearly for it.”

While still lamenting, chief Ajebo’s friend and next door neighbour, who owns a Peugeot 504 arrived the scene and requested to know what the problem was.

VW BEETLE REAR“Thank you my friend”, chief Ajebo responded, turning to his friend. “You know how much I suffered to send Isiaka to school. Is it a bad thing for him to make me a car owner like you?”

“Of course, not, but what’s the problem?” answered his neighbour

“Oh! Even though you are a car owner, you still can’t see the problem?”, Chief Ajebo responded, pointing at the bonnet compartment that was left open. “You can’t see that the car engine has been stolen?”

The neighbour shook his head, walked to the rear end of the car, pressed a knob, opened the small rear door and beckoned to Chief Ajebo: “My friend, see, your car is different from mine. Your engine was not stolen. You checked a wrong place. Unlike my car, yours is a Volkswagen beetle. It is air-cooled and its engine compartment is at the rear.”

Chief Ajebo looked perplexed.


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