Once again, exciting season is here. Time to take you through thrilling trips round the world of motoring. No ticket is required. Just get on board Motoring World online and be spoilt with motoring news, humours, maintenance tips and exclusive features and stories about motoring people, places and events. Get ready to laugh and “whaoh“. You are almost there. Simply click www.motoringworldng.com
In this edition, we are serving you an exclusive story of Femi Owoeye’s cruise in Aquada, a car that rides on land and water. How did it feel? Also we’ve got for you a fresh tale of BMW’s intelligent car, which Motoring World Editorial team agree is putting on a pair of sunshade. How odd, you’d say. By the time you are reading this edition, Detroit motor show would have been rounded off. Never regret not being there, as we have for you in this edition outstanding exhibitions at the show.
And helloooo. Car freaks. If you are truly an auto freak, welcome to your world. This edition features Rotimi Asher’s Encounter with a car lover, a music promoter, Ahmed Ogunbanwo, who revealed how he was deceived by a group of Lagos traffic thieves. Want to share your motoring experience with our readers, all you need do is answer a couple of questions and e-mail back to us with two or three digital photographs taken with your car.
This is election season in Nigeria. MOTORING HUMOUR has got to do with politicians. I bet you, when you finish reading this month’s humour, you are likely to say:” Ouch! “. Get ready to giggle. And maybe you too have got an auto-related humour which amuses you, whenever you recollect it, why not write it briefly and email it to [email protected]. If it’s funning to us and it’s published, you shall receive a reward of MTN recharge card worth of N2500 or Dollar equivalent in case you write from Europe, America, Asia or Middle East.
In our AUTO CLINIC, we unravel a mystery behind kick starter problem, which a reader shared with us. It was published in an old edition of Motoring World in print. We are serving it here fresh for the benefit of readers who never had a copy of that edition. That’s not all. Have you been experiencing any intractable problem with your automobile for which you need a solution or advice? E-mail to us detailed explanation abut the problem, and Motoring World technical team shall advise you rightly.
Have you an exclusive vintage car, which you cherish so well and want the world to know about it? E-mail to us its brief profile with photographs.
It’s a promise. We shall continuously keep an eye on automobile maternity wards around the world and announce to you each time new cars are born, just as you’ll find out in this edition. You’ve got a tip of what is to come. There are lots more. Fasten your seatbelt and visit www.motoringworldng.com.
Once again, Welcome on board MOTORING WORLD, where you have thrilling experience on wheels.