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HomeDriving LessonsDriving Lesson Lesson 3: Stopping and Reversing Automatic Car

Driving Lesson Lesson 3: Stopping and Reversing Automatic Car

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hether driving a manual or automatic car, backward movement is an essential part of driving. It is called reversing.


(1) When it ia impossible to turn towards desired direction without hitting an object or falling inside a ditch

(2) When a driver misses a turning point. For instance, if driving along an unfamiliar road and by mistake the drives drive pass the street or exit route, best bet is to reverse to reconnect the street or route.

(3) When stumbled on car snatcher, driver can escape by reversing.


Push lever to R(Reverse) mode to reverse
Push lever to R(Reverse) mode to reverse


(1) Driver must not reverse through a junction or roundabout

(2) Driver should not reverse onto an expressway or highway, except when  he or she is parking in front of a corporate organization, Bank for instance, with security guards on duty to stop the traffic, as the driver  reverses onto the road.


This essential aspect of driving requires lots of practice and necessary judgement. Remember this is an automatic car with only two foot pedals (acceleration  pedal on the right and brake pedal on the left). To reverse, follow the following steps:(1) Brake to full stop, if you hah been doing forward driving.

(2) Keep your foot on the brake pedal

(3) Push the gear lever to R(Reverse) mode

(4) Turn your neck and look over your shoulder in the direction the vehicle is moving, with your left hand on the steering, while the right hand is on the firm grip of the second sit in front of the vehicle

(5) Gently lift your foot off the brake pedal, and the car should start backward movement. If you are reversing towards a hilly terrain. lift your foot of the brake and gently press the acceleration pedal

(6) Reverse slowly in order to have full control of the vehicle 

Automatic car’s brake pedal(left) and acceleration pedal(right)

(7) While reversing, turn the steering wheel to the left for a left hand turn and too the right for a right hand turn

(8) Make sure the road behind is free before negotiating backward movement

(9) Keep glancing to the front from time to time in order to maintain a balance, as the front wheels are bound to move sideways as you turn the steering wheel, when moving backwards

(10) Keep the acceleration pedal in one position with the engine running slowly, and then vary the speed of the vehicle at wheel by depressing or releasing the clutch. This will not only enable you to correct errors in steering but will ensure very careful and slow movement.

This is how far we shall go on this edition of driving lessons. Next week, we shall commence Driving A manual Car.

Be careful out there.











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