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HomeTildaview with Matilda FrancesUnknown Side of Jeremy Clarkson

Unknown Side of Jeremy Clarkson


CLARKSON: He has hosted BBC Topgear since 2002
CLARKSON: He has hosted BBC Topgear since 2002

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]magine a two year old child chasing shiny objects in the air, before they disappear. Then imagine that same child saying the first thing that comes into his head, just to see what the reaction will be and of cause its shock and then suppressed laughter. Move on sixty years and that same child is still at it, still causing the same embarrassment, but also the same laughter and there you have Clarkson.

He’s the sort of person who will always open his mouth before his brain is in gear. But that doesn’t mean he is stupid. Far from it. His brains are very much in evidence, as can be seen on Top Gear.

Where else can you see a game of conkers played with cars or caravans annihilated or come to building their own railway set, even if it did end up in ashes? If anyone thinks for one moment I condone violence of any kind towards a fellow worker, then think very seriously again.

But I do feel that perhaps the BBC didn’t look too closely at the personality that was in front of them. Instead of laying down ground rules and sticking to them, they allowed Clarkson full reign of his inner child and this is the consequence, one rather adult child in full tantrum.

There is no denying the talent of the man. But he is only one side of the triangle. Do not forget the other two. Without them he would not be so effective. James May is sensible, but knowledgeable. Richard Hammond is a little bit James and a little bit Jeremy. And then there is our boy himself all spoilt child but intelligent with it. It will always be. “Did I do that, but you say it, so what did I do wrong”? Just like a toddler.

My suggestion would be that if the show survives, and I sincerely hope it does, the BBC employs someone to seat on the sidelines with a pile of bricks.  And if our lad shows signs of a misdemeanour, they throw said brick at Clarkson to avoid any contention.

The format of the show needs all three. So BBC stop spoiling the child for the sake of peace. You will only make a rod for your own back. Yes. Give encouragement to genius, but jump on stupidity



.Matilda Francis
.Matilda Francis






MATILDA FRANCIS is Motoring World’s London Bureau Chief


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