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HomeOpinionNigerian Commercial Buses and Haemorrhoids

Nigerian Commercial Buses and Haemorrhoids

Motoring World’s editorial director, MATILDA FRANCES takes a satirical look at conduct of certain vehicles used as commercial vehicles in Nigeria…

[dropcap]I [/dropcap]know what you are thinking: What are buses and Hemorrhoids doing in the same sentence?

It started like this. On one of our many journeys I made from Ekiti State to Lagos State of Nigeria, I observed that many a poor bus seem to be suffering from a surfeit of luggage, baggage and other sundry bags.

To the extent, it seemed that certain buses had Hemorrhoids. And if I may say so, there were those I observed looking most pale and painful.

Above all, inside of the buses looked most constipated, packed as they were, with passengers, large and small. And not an inch of bum space between them.

That is not all. Prior to the stressful trips, the poor buses would have to wait for hours under the hot sun before it fills up, even overful.

If those buses, and I may add taxis as well, were humans, they would be under the doctor for medication and pain relief.

If in the distant future, some enterprising states of Nigeria ever open motoring museums, no doubt, full of beautiful gleaming cars, would they include examples of the said humble buses or taxis.

They should be lauded as fine examples of public transport of our time. I should think.

Editorial Director

They should be praised for every dent, scratch and missing equipment held together, if lucky, with either rope or wire, but certainly, with God’s good grace.


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