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HomeReflections with Rotimi AsherSpiritual Metamorphosis of Cars(Part II)

Spiritual Metamorphosis of Cars(Part II)


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he creator has given human beings raw materials required for their physical existence. InĀ­venting an airplane for transportation to very far distances, ship for moving heavy goods from one continent to another, making exotic auto machines to cruise in and around the cities. Man’s technological developĀ­ment did not emerge from the blues; it started after the antediluvian world and grew with creation.

horse drawn chariot 03

The growth in automobile Industry began as far back as the days of Egypt as a super power nation; horses then, being the means of transportation. This accounts for why horses were associated with chariot in the scriptures. Thus, the phrase ‘chariot and horses’ was often used to describe chariot and its component. This growth continued till the first automobile with a combustible mechanism was invented.

The Omniscience has never doneĀ Ā  anythingĀ Ā  onĀ Ā  earth without revealing it to His prophets. His divine creativity enabled Him to know the future of men: He is of course, the Alpha and Omega.Ā Ā  So, HeĀ Ā  alreadyĀ Ā  KnewĀ Ā  about highways, automobiles that would ply our roads and other future events in the automobile industry. He revealed the advancement in automobile world to Nahum, one of the prophets in the in the Old Testament.

This is the prophecy:

“TheĀ Ā  shieldĀ Ā  of his mighty men are made red, he valiant men are in scarlet. The chariots come with flaming torches, in the day of his preparation, and the spears are brandished. The CHARRIOTS rage in the streets, they run like lightening”

Bugatti Veyron: Fastest car on earth
Bugatti Veyron: Fastest car on earth

Chariot is an ancient word for vehicle; then, it did not have a combustible engine. Nahum prophesied the technological metamorphosis in the auto-machine industry. He said it would come to a time that the metal which make up the body of automobile will have a glitter effect and innovative features which display technological dexterity, in one of the transĀ­lations of the Bible, it says,” the metal on the chariots flashes on the day they are made ready”Ā Ā 

Nahum, looking into the spiritual binĀ­ocular, saw this age. Which day are the automobiles made ready? Classical metamorphosis of auto-machine is coming to its peak. We are fast approaching the end of the world. This will put an end to man’s innovation. Of course, when a man dies, its intelliĀ­gence is terminated.

Can you see the way these elegant automobiles storm through the streets rushing back and forth through the highways? This reminds me of a night scene on our tarred roads and highways. It is not uncommon to sight auto-machines dart about like lightening, looking like flaming torches.; They run with ruggedness on our highways, travelling more than 250 kilometres per hour sometimes. Oh! What a speed! In truth the speed can be compared to a “lightning”.

horse-drawn-cart2Before our eyes, we have witnessed the fulfilment of Nahum’s prophecy. Many weeks ago, Ford Motor Corporation unveiled its new Mustang at Detroit. What about the newly built Driverless Mercedes-Benz? Automobile industries all over the world are launching new cars in a bid to outshine one another in a competitive auto market. These things are constant efforts by automakers to attain perfection in their areas of endeavour.

What about you? What effort are you making to align yourself with God? Mark you, your life-span on earth can be deĀ­stroyed in an accident in the twinkling of an eye. Like a motor car your journey in this world will end someday. Where would you be after the earthly accident called death? Hell or Paradise? Every one who dies on earth must go to one of these two places.

Friend, I admonish you to choose Paradise. Repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins can be blotted out: Paradise shall be your final destination.

Please drive carefully. Don’t forget to study your road map. The Bible. God bless you real good. Amen.


All quotations are from the New King James version of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 3 : 15;.Ecclesiastes 1 : 9 – 10;Ā Ā  Genesis 41 : 43;

Joshua 17 : 16;Ā Ā  Judges 1 : 19; Acts 2 : 38.


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