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HomeFeaturesBOOK REVIEW: Making a Morgan – 17 Days of Craftsmanship

BOOK REVIEW: Making a Morgan – 17 Days of Craftsmanship

…Step-By-Step From Specification Sheet to Finished Car

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]organ’s way of producing cars is unique. In this day and age, the company still makes use of real craftsmanship in every aspect of building its character cars, and every Morgan can be made to a bespoke specification to suit the individual customer’s wishes.

In Making a Morgan, the reader accompanies a very traditional model, a Morgan Plus 4, through every step of its build, from customer specification sheet to finished car – a process that, in this instance, takes 17 days.

During their stay in Malvern, the authors spent every day at the Picker-sleigh Road factory and, in doing so, established a real rapport with the Morgan craftsmen and craftswomen. A rapport that allows this book to present a truly intimate portrait of the individuals who so proudly build Morgan’s, and the painstaking way they go about their work.

Veloce Publishing, Making a Morgan - 17 days of craftmanshipPIX 3Featuring some 380 images, including a range of archive photos from the Morgan factory, this is a rare overview of a unique, and very British, manufacturing tradition.

Never before in over 100 years of rich history has the Morgan production process been documented in such detail.

PIX 1Making a Morgan by Andreas & Dagmar Hensing

ISBN: 9781845848736 UPC: 6-36847-04873-0


£40, $75


  • An incredible journey beginning in the Chassis Shop of the factory
  • 17 days from specification sheet to finished car
  • Every detail of the build recorded in words and pictures
  • Meet Morgan’s craftsmen and apprentices
  • Discover how generations of the same families have built Morgans
  • Be amazed at age-old techniques used to shape wooden frames
  • See the skill in traditional panel beating and rolling
  • Understand what makes Morgans and the Morgan factory so special


Andreas Hensing began his career as a Naval Officer, including a period studying social science and HR Management at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg. He later found work as HR Manager at Axel Springer Publishing House, eventually spending 25 years as a consultant in media industries.

Andreas took his first steps in media production in the mid-’90s, writing and producing corporate films for industry.

In 2011, Andreas and his wife, Dagmar, founded their own small publishing house (Hanseatischer Buchverlag), producing self-written books about Morgan, plus several classic cars calenders. Andreas and Dagmar live in Hamburg, Germany.



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